As you probably know if you’ve tried to do any hiring recently, there are a record number of job vacancies and fewer candidates than usual. International travel restrictions are leaving us short on migrant labour, students, and backpackers. But it’s more than that.
It looks like lots of people with jobs are just reluctant to switch right now, while others are leaving the workforce or ‘downsizing’ as they take early retirement or make lifestyle adjustments. There is also evidence of a skills mismatch between the jobs on offer and the people looking for work.
So, what’s the answer if you have positions you desperately need to fill?
With the ongoing pandemic, keeping your staff safe and well is also a major issue. We have a white paper on monitoring employee health and well being during the pandemic that you might find helpful.
If we can help you with anything recruitment or HR related, set up a 15 minute meeting with us to talk it through.